This was a marvelous night! Like the night I myself was ordained or my husband... Tonight Rev. Starland Davis Senior preached... What a message... Time is of the essence... We all share the same heart... Many are called but few are chosen... So many simply do not fulfill the call of God on their life... PREACHERS have been called to PREACH THE GOSPEL.... So do it! We only have a little time... Now is that acceptable time! Debbie Pryor was ordained years ago but this was the night she actually received the laying on of hands and the ceremony... Along with so many this night.... At the end of the service Bro. Victor Gill had asked to have hands layed on him by Dr Anderson and to receive his blessings... Dad made him wait until the last night... and so now was the time... Bro Gill said he had NEVER felt anything like he did that night... Usually giving out Bro. Gill actually received... and was floored by the Lord.... An annointing was so present in the altars... A true refreshing! Soon others had joined in and were lining up to have Dr. Anderson lay hands on them... It was awesome and God gave him strength... It was a great service... Sorry if you missed it.... especially you grandchildren and great grands... it was something you don't get to witness or feel allot... Not with your grandfather Anderson.... We must not take these times for granted... They are more precious than gold!
I know we missed a great conference but we just couldn't be there this year. I'm glad that everyone got blessed and had a wonderful time. We will see you next year.
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