Thursday, March 23, 2006

Uncle Jimmy and Brandon come to visit

...and yes we all went to Mom's restaurant that has been changed to Lily's restaurant (the waitress that worked there) It was a great visit... Only here for a few days... They came to pick up a jeep they bought from Midge's sister, Diane... and we were all surprised... They haven't had good Mexican food since they moved to Arkansas so of course while they are in the Mexican
food capitol of the world "Southern Cal" it has been "burrito time" the biggest and the best with MOUNDS of salsa... Report is they are all doing fine... Trina and Rusty may be moving from Kentucky to live near Jim and Midge... Clint and Cheryl own their own pig farm with 80 acres... and are very successful... The church they attend is small but not too small and they are very involved and faithful... Praise God! They live about 100 miles from Prague... Oh.... and by the way... Brandon has been dating a missionary's daughter for over 3 months.... and is VERY happy!! I thought he was really smiling allot.... hahahaha....


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