Saturday, March 18, 2006

Workday at the Church 2006

As you can see by these pictures we worked hard on our church...
Conference is coming and we are preparing for our company... wooo hoooo.... Each year when Pentecostal Assemblies of God of America ministeries come from all over the world we prepare by deep cleaning the church... Each family take on a special project... With all hands in the cook (so to speak) we got quite a bit accomplished during this week... The entire sanctuary of the church was painted, the nursery was gutted and completely remodeled, the church office was cleaned out and re-vamped, the kitchen was deep cleaned and then some... Our offices were painted and decorated... New composition was placed in the back yard and stepping stones were placed... The fellowship hall was cleaned and set up for the upcoming event... A new water cooler and area rug was purchased for the entry... Weeds were pulled and plants were placed... Andy acquired more worms for fishing while pulling the weeds... Tehehe... Pastor Judeee cooked brunch and we all ate up... It is special when a project comes together and YOU have actually been a part... Truly we love our church family and enjoy serving the Lord with each other... They are the very best!!


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