Thursday, March 23, 2006

Uncle Jimmy and Brandon come to visit

...and yes we all went to Mom's restaurant that has been changed to Lily's restaurant (the waitress that worked there) It was a great visit... Only here for a few days... They came to pick up a jeep they bought from Midge's sister, Diane... and we were all surprised... They haven't had good Mexican food since they moved to Arkansas so of course while they are in the Mexican
food capitol of the world "Southern Cal" it has been "burrito time" the biggest and the best with MOUNDS of salsa... Report is they are all doing fine... Trina and Rusty may be moving from Kentucky to live near Jim and Midge... Clint and Cheryl own their own pig farm with 80 acres... and are very successful... The church they attend is small but not too small and they are very involved and faithful... Praise God! They live about 100 miles from Prague... Oh.... and by the way... Brandon has been dating a missionary's daughter for over 3 months.... and is VERY happy!! I thought he was really smiling allot.... hahahaha....

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Who's that parked in our driveway... Could it be Bob and Kim??

Here it is... Bob and Kim's new car!

A Chrysler 300 with cloth seats... Yes, Kim hates leather seats ever since she slid to her knees when we came to a stop in our La Sabre... This is the second car Bob has surprised Kim... The first one was the Bronco upon the return from Ladies retreat 3 years ago... Parked in our driveway... As she and I pulled up to the house on Friday this one was parked in our driveway also... We wondered who was here with Randy... And to Kim's surprise it was her husband in their new car... After screams of joy we all went for a ride and ooo lala it's just like butter... We all looked at them last summer and she said "I will not settle for anything less... That really is the desire of my heart" Obviously, The Lord is delighted with her... God just keeps on blessing and blessing... Yipeeeee!

Workday at the Church 2006

As you can see by these pictures we worked hard on our church...
Conference is coming and we are preparing for our company... wooo hoooo.... Each year when Pentecostal Assemblies of God of America ministeries come from all over the world we prepare by deep cleaning the church... Each family take on a special project... With all hands in the cook (so to speak) we got quite a bit accomplished during this week... The entire sanctuary of the church was painted, the nursery was gutted and completely remodeled, the church office was cleaned out and re-vamped, the kitchen was deep cleaned and then some... Our offices were painted and decorated... New composition was placed in the back yard and stepping stones were placed... The fellowship hall was cleaned and set up for the upcoming event... A new water cooler and area rug was purchased for the entry... Weeds were pulled and plants were placed... Andy acquired more worms for fishing while pulling the weeds... Tehehe... Pastor Judeee cooked brunch and we all ate up... It is special when a project comes together and YOU have actually been a part... Truly we love our church family and enjoy serving the Lord with each other... They are the very best!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Los Angeles friends come to visit

My dear friends Dr. Rio and Pastor Amy came to visit on Tuesday... We went for a wonderful dinner and discussed our journey to the Philippines... Since Dr. Rio is a cosmetic surgeon of course I dove into discussion concerning my lines... I won't go any further with that discussion at this time... However, I will post this question..."What about cosmetic surgery"... Should I or shouldn't I... haha... That is the question??

Monday, March 13, 2006

Just Cruisin'

September 2005 cruise from Canada... Just the two of us... Sooooooooooo relaxing...

Bob and Kim renew their vows

Today Bob and Kim have been married 25 years... On Sunday at the church they renewed their vows... It was so beautiful done more like a wedding... Kim had always desired to have a church wedding since she was married in Las Vegas at a justice of the peace. Grandpa Anderson gave her away... Randy performed the ceremony... Her daughter Heather stood up with her and his brother Bill stood up with him... Her granddaughter Hannah was her little flower girl... Judeee read "Their Story" and sang "To be used of God"... Shaye sang a beautiful song she selected to give personally as a gift... Alisha decorated with the help of Andy & Lisa, Micah, Jordan, Aaron, Blake and aunt Lyn... Christy did the flower arch...

The reception dinner was given by the ladies of the church with Lisa heading up the entire Mexican dinner... The wedding cake was three layers of yummmmmy banana filled chocolate and raspberry filled white cake... Every time the glasses rang out the happy couple would kiss... Then Bob swooped his bride off to a lovely hotel room (Jacuzzi in room and all) in San Diego where they will enjoy a couple days along with a romantic dinner cruise... Ahhhhhh.... Love... Isn't it grand??

Friday, March 10, 2006

Painting the church

Blake and his grandfather have enjoyed painting the inside of the church this week. Of course Blake had quite a few good pointers for his grandfather. Wait till you see it... Wow, what a difference...

Dad's sisters come to visit...

Aunt Peggy and uncle Larry along with aunt Ruth and uncle Van came and visited mom, dad and aunt Lyn on Tuesday. It was a nice afternoon visit with lunch at Millie's restaurant. I joined them for lunch. It was wonderful to hear old stories and the joy of these three surviving sibblings of eight interact with each other. Of course Peggy and Lyn went to bible school together and so they had alot of catching up. I learned that dad and mom paid for aunt Ruth to go to bible school. Mom and Dad both were overjoyed for the wonderful visit and so was I to witness their joy...

How great was this... Atmosphere... Love... Chocolate...

At at "Couples Retreat" we enjoyed the Chocolate fountain together... As you can see we have enjoyed many Chocolate fountains... Tehehe...We were at "Couples Retreat" in Oceanside, on the pier... We love the whole beach thing... Sunglasses included!

Speed Monopoly

Have you ever wanted to play a game of monopoly but didn't have hours to spare? My grandson, Blake and I created a newer version that is over in 30 minutes. It goes like this... After the game set up place the properties in their color groups... Each player rolls simultaneously for the property (all properties in the color) Highest die wins that monopoly! Including the utilities and railroads. Since all monopolies are owned the rent is doubled until houses or hotels are placed... NO rent or houses/hotels can be purchased until the first trip around the board... Within thirty minutes of play the winner will be obvious so set your timer for thirty minutes and whoever has the most holdings wins!! If you have time try for two outta three... It's quick! It's fun! ...and it doesn't monopolize your time!

In the beginning

Chris just called me this morning and told me about blogging. So needless to say I agree it's a great idea. Hence this blog... So "Let's get busy"!